Amazon ppc Lecture 4 by marlene H.

Quick Keyword Research for Amazon PPC with Helium 10

Starting with Helium 10

Alright, the first step in my process is to use Helium 10. It’s the tool I prefer, but keep in mind, there are plenty of other tools you can use too. In this guide, I’ll be showing you how to use Magnet, which is a feature inside Helium 10. It’s really good for finding keywords that are related to what you’re selling.

Conducting the Search

Begin by entering the best keyword that fits your product into Helium 10. Once you search, you’ll see a list of keywords. To make it easier, arrange the list by how often each keyword is searched, with the highest numbers at the top. This shows you the most popular searches right away.

Selecting the Right Keywords

Now, the next step is to go through the list you’ve got. You’ll want to keep the keywords that match what you’re selling and get rid of the ones that don’t fit. For example, if you see ‘bracelet making beads’, and that’s what you’re selling, you definitely want to keep that. And even if you find something like ‘bracelet making beads gold’ and your kit has gold beads, keep that too. It’s not the exact same term, but it’s still relevant and might draw in customers.

‘Bracelet making beads’ is a perfect fit — it’s exactly what we have on offer. Then you’ve got more specific searches like ‘bracelet making kit beads gold letters’ or ‘bracelet making kit beads glass.’ These might not be spot-on descriptions of our product, but since our kit contains these items, they’re still relevant. Including these terms could help us catch the eye of someone searching for kits with gold letters or glass beads.

The Takeaway

This is just a snapshot of how I refine my keyword list for PPC campaigns. It’s about relevance and also considering potential cross-over appeal to related searches.

Streamlining Your Amazon PPC Keyword List with Helium 10

Refining the Keyword List

While sorting through the search results, we’re bound to run into keywords that don’t match our product, like ‘candle making kit.’ Since that’s not what we’re selling, we’ll remove it from our list. Getting rid of the unrelated terms is crucial because it helps us focus on the keywords that are most likely to work well for our PPC campaigns.

How Many Keywords to Target?

Once you’ve gone through the initial pages and discarded the keywords that don’t apply to your product, you should aim to have a list of around 100 keywords. The reason for this is simple: we’re looking for quality over quantity. We’re interested in those keywords that a lot of people are searching for on Amazon because those are the terms that are most likely to lead potential customers to your product.

Exporting Your List

After you’ve fine-tuned your list and it’s looking good, the next move is to export it. You might like using Excel, Numbers, or maybe you’re someone who sticks to a straightforward CSV file. Whatever your preference, go ahead and transfer that list from Helium 10 into a format that’s easy for you to use. This sets you up for what you need to do next.

Reverse ASIN Search with Cerebro

Alright, moving forward, we’re going to switch gears to Cerebro, which is another powerful tool from Helium 10. This time, we’re going to perform what’s called a reverse ASIN search. Here’s how it works: we take the ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) of the product that’s currently the king of the hill—the one that’s sitting pretty at the top of the organic search results for our main keyword. We enter that ASIN into Cerebro to see what magic it can reveal. This tool will help us uncover the keywords that the top product is ranking for, giving us insights into how we can optimize our own listings and PPC campaigns.

Finding the ASIN

If you’re wondering where to find the ASIN for a product, it’s actually quite straightforward. Just click on the product listing on Amazon to get to the detailed view of the item. Once you’re there, you can spot the ASIN in two places: it’s in the URL address of the product page, and it’s also listed in the product details section. This alphanumeric code is unique to each product on Amazon and is what you’ll use to track down the keywords with Cerebro.

What’s Next?

By conducting a reverse ASIN search, we’re going to tap into a goldmine of keywords that the leading product is ranking for. This isn’t just everyday information; it’s like having a behind-the-scenes look at what’s working for the competition. With this valuable insight, we can shape our PPC strategy to be more effective, targeting the keywords that are proven to drive traffic and sales for similar products. It’s a strategic move that can give us an edge in the crowded Amazon marketplace.

Perfecting Your PPC Keyword Strategy with Helium 10’s Cerebro

We’re moving forward with our PPC keyword strategy, and it’s time to dive into the power of Cerebro in Helium 10 for a deeper analysis.

Conducting a Reverse ASIN Search

Once you’ve got the ASIN from the product that’s at the top of the rankings, you’ll enter it into Cerebro. After you hit the search button, you’ll be doing something similar to what you did with Magnet: searching for keywords with a high search volume. The difference here is that you’re specifically looking at the keywords that are successful for your competitors. This peek into their strategy can reveal what might also work for you, giving you a clearer idea of where to focus your PPC efforts.

Filtering and Exporting Keywords

After the reverse ASIN search in Cerebro gives us the results, we’ll organize them by search volume, ranking them from the highest to the lowest. We’re aiming for consistency in our approach, targeting a focused list of about 50 to 100 keywords. Just like we did earlier, we’ll export this refined list into Excel. The purpose of this is to get a full picture of what’s happening in the competitive space around our product. This comprehensive view will help us make informed decisions about our PPC strategy and identify opportunities to get our product in front of the right customers.

Why Use Both Magnet and Cerebro?

You might be asking yourself why it’s necessary to use both Cerebro and Magnet. The answer lies in being thorough. By using the reverse ASIN search in Cerebro, we’re digging into which keywords are currently working well for our competitors—essentially, what’s already successful in converting searches into sales. On the other hand, Magnet allows us to cast a wider net with an independent search, helping us to spot any valuable keywords that our competitors might not be using. This dual approach ensures we cover all our bases, combining what’s proven to work with the potential to capture new keyword opportunities.

Combining Your Research

By using both tools, we’re not just covering our bases—we’re building a fortress of data. We’ve got the Magnet search results, and we’ve got the Cerebro findings. When we bring these two together, we’re armed with a robust keyword list that’s been vetted from multiple angles.

Synthesizing Your Amazon PPC Keyword Research

We’ve reached a pivotal point in our PPC keyword research process. It’s time to combine what we’ve discovered from both Magnet and Cerebro. We’ll take the high-potential keywords from Magnet and the proven performers from Cerebro and merge them. This will create our master keyword list, which is a crucial tool for our PPC campaigns. This list is going to be the backbone of our strategy, guiding us on where to bid and what terms to target to reach potential customers effectively.

Selecting Your Top Keywords

Now, from the results we got using Magnet, we’re going to carefully select the best 20 to 50 keywords. The exact number we choose will depend on the type of product we’re selling because some product categories naturally have more high-traffic keywords than others. We’re particularly interested in keywords that get more than 1,000 searches a month. This number is a good indicator of a keyword that has enough search volume to drive significant traffic to our product listings.

Creating a Master Keyword List

After picking out the top keywords from Magnet, we’ll turn to the results from Cerebro. We’ll organize these by search volume as well, just like we did with Magnet. The next step is to take the very best keywords from both sets of results and put them together into a fresh Excel sheet. This is where things get exciting—this new, combined list is where our PPC strategy begins to form. It’s like gathering all the best ingredients before we start cooking up our campaign.

Ordering and Reordering by Search Volume

Our master keyword list should be well-organized to make our strategy as effective as possible. If you need to sort the list by search volume, it’s easy. Just click on the column header that lists the search volumes and choose to sort the data from largest to smallest. This way, the keywords that have the potential to bring in the most traffic will be right at the top. It’s a simple step that helps keep our focus on the most impactful keywords first.

The Result

We’ve put together a straightforward yet powerful list, pulling together the most searched-for keywords from both Cerebro and Magnet. It’s sorted so that the keywords that get the most searches are right at the top. This list is super important because it’s going to guide us when we set up our ads. It tells us exactly what words people use when they’re looking to buy something on Amazon. By using this list in our PPC campaigns, we can help make sure that when someone is looking for a product like ours, our ads show up, making it more likely that they’ll click on our product and maybe even buy it. This list is like our map to getting our products seen by the right people.

Refining Your Amazon PPC Campaign with Color-Coded Keyword Prioritization

We’re fine-tuning our keyword list to make sure our Amazon PPC campaign is really precise. A good way to do this is by using a color-coding system to prioritize our keywords.

Creating a Targeted Keyword List

We have our keyword list ready. The next step is to get really specific. We’ll go through each keyword one by one and decide how closely it matches what we’re selling. If a keyword is spot-on for our product, it stays. If it’s a bit of a stretch, we might set it aside. This way, we make sure we’re only going to pay for ads that show up for searches that are most likely to lead to sales. It’s about connecting with the shoppers who are looking for exactly what we have to offer.

Color-Coding Your Keywords

Here’s how I do it:

  • Green for Go: If a keyword is spot-on—like, if a customer types this in, they’re practically holding their wallet out for your product—that’s a green. These are the gold-standard keywords that are most likely to convert.
  • Yellow for Caution: Then we have the keywords that are related, maybe a complementary product or a part of what we offer. They’re not a perfect match, but there’s potential. We mark these yellow because we could potentially convert a shopper who’s looking for something similar.

Setting Up Your Campaigns

With our keywords color-coded, it’s time to separate them out. All the green-highlighted keywords, the ones we’re confident are going to bring in buyers, are going into their own document. This will form our exact match campaign.

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