Amazon ppc Lecture 5 by marlene H.

Setting Up an Exact Match Campaign for Amazon PPC

It’s time to roll up our sleeves and dive deep into setting up an exact match campaign for our Amazon PPC. This means we’re going to concentrate on the very best of our keywords—the ones that match our product perfectly. We’ll use these keywords to create ads that will only show up when someone types in that exact phrase. It’s a focused approach that can help us get the most out of our budget by targeting shoppers who are searching for exactly what we’re selling.

Crafting a Concise Exact Match List

With exact match campaigns on Amazon PPC, you want to be as precise as possible. Go for a short and strong list, ideally capping it at around 30 keywords. These should be your top performers, the ones that not only get a lot of searches but are also highly relevant to your product and have a good chance of turning those searches into purchases. This select group of keywords is where you want to focus your energy and budget, as they’re the most likely to bring in sales.

Why Exact Match?

With an exact match campaign, you’re taking the reins. You’re essentially instructing Amazon, “Here are the specific keywords I’ve chosen. I want my ads to appear only when someone searches for these exact terms.” This kind of precision targeting means that your advertising budget is spent more efficiently because it’s focused on searches that are directly related to your product. It helps to minimize the chances of your ad showing up in unrelated searches, which can save you money and increase the likelihood of conversions.

The Power of Exact Match

This type of campaign is all about quality over quantity. You’re willing to pay a premium because you know that the shoppers searching these exact terms are looking for a product like yours. And every click and sale from these ads is a step toward boosting your organic ranking.

Budgeting for Success

For your exact match campaign, you’ll want to set a daily budget that allows for enough data but doesn’t break the bank. I recommend starting with $30 to $100 per day. This gives you the flexibility to gather data, make informed decisions, and scale up as you start seeing results.

Next Steps

In the following content, I’ll walk you through the process of creating the exact match campaign in Amazon’s system. We’ll cover everything from entering your keywords to setting your bids and managing your budget.

Launching an Aggressive Exact Match PPC Campaign on Amazon

Alright, we’re moving into the more intense part of our exact match PPC campaign on Amazon. This is where we need to think carefully about how much money we’re putting into the campaign and how we’re going to bid. We want to make sure we’re putting enough money behind our best keywords so we can really compete. At the same time, we need to bid smart—enough to get our ads seen, but not so much that we’re wasting money. We’ll look at what others are bidding and then go a bit higher if we can, to make sure we’re the ones winning those valuable ad spots.

Determining Your Daily Budget

In the thick of our exact match PPC campaign, the competitiveness of your market is what should guide your daily budget. If you’re in a market with less competition, you might do well with a daily budget of around $30. But if you’re in a highly competitive space, you might need to consider a budget closer to $100 per day. The important thing is to stay adaptable and be willing to tweak your budget as you see how it plays out against the competition.

Strategizing Your Bids

Amazon’s PPC is like an auction house where you bid for the top spot. To really get noticed, think about setting your bid around 10% higher than the top suggested bid Amazon shows for each keyword. Going in with this aggressive approach means your ads have a better chance of coming out on top in the auction, which increases the likelihood that potential customers will see them.

Using Bid Plus and Dynamic Bids

While Amazon offers features like Bid Plus or dynamic bids to automatically increase your bids in high-conversion scenarios, I prefer a more hands-on approach. By setting my bids 10% above Amazon’s highest suggested range, I maintain control over my spending and ensure my ads remain competitive.

Setting the Duration

When it comes to the duration of your exact match campaign, think long-term. It’s not about quick wins but sustained effort. You’ll probably keep this campaign going non-stop, making regular adjustments and fine-tuning it according to how it performs over time. This continuous improvement is key to maintaining a strong presence and getting the most out of your PPC investment on Amazon.

In Conclusion

An aggressive exact match campaign is not for the faint of heart. It requires commitment, attention to detail, and a willingness to invest in the high potential of your chosen keywords. But with careful management and regular optimization, this approach can significantly boost your organic ranking and sales

Balancing Visibility and Profitability in Amazon PPC

Diving into Amazon PPC is a journey of balancing visibility with profitability, especially once you’ve hit those top organic rankings. It’s about leveraging your PPC campaigns to maintain your product’s visibility, ensuring it stays top of mind for customers. At the same time, you want to keep a close eye on your advertising spend to ensure that your campaigns remain profitable. Even when you’ve secured a top organic spot, PPC can help defend that position against competitors and capture sales from buyers who are ready to purchase immediately. The goal is to use PPC not just as a tool for growth, but as a strategic asset for sustaining success on Amazon’s competitive platform.

Continuing PPC After Reaching Top Rankings

Landing that top spot on Amazon’s first page organically is a big win, but it’s not the time to pull the plug on your PPC campaigns if they’re still making you money. Keeping your PPC going has a couple of big advantages. First, it blocks your competitors from taking that ad space. Second, it gives you double the presence on the same page—your ad is there, and so is your organic listing. This one-two punch of visibility can be a powerful way to keep your sales strong and your product front and center.

Adjusting Bids for Strategic Placement

If you’re dominating the top organic spot, consider lowering your bids slightly. This isn’t about retreating; it’s about strategic placement. By doing so, you might place your sponsored ad on page two, ensuring visibility across multiple pages and capturing customers who delve deeper into search results.

Broad Match Campaigns for Extended Reach

Alright, we’ve got our exact match campaign up and running, but we also need to think about the broad match campaign. This is where we take all those keywords we marked as green and yellow—the ones that are spot on and the ones that could bring in sales—and put them together. We’ll list them out, making sure they’re still in order by how often people search for them. This new list is what we’re going to use for our broad match campaign, where our ads can show up for searches that are similar to our keywords, not just the exact phrase. It’s a way to catch customers who might be looking for something like what we’re selling but using different words.

Why Broad Match?

Broad match campaigns cast a wider net. They allow your ad to show for searches that include any word in your key phrase, in any order, including synonyms, variations, and related searches. This is your chance to capture traffic that’s related but not identical to your exact match keywords.

In Conclusion

The goal here is to maintain a strong presence on Amazon, balancing your top organic ranking with strategic PPC campaigns. Remember, it’s not just about being seen—it’s about being seen by the right people, at the right time, and in the right places.

Expanding Reach with Amazon PPC Broad Match Campaigns

Today, we’re going to explore broad match campaigns in Amazon PPC. These campaigns are really useful for finding new keywords that could work well for your product. When you set up a broad match campaign, you’re telling Amazon to show your ads to people who are searching for things that are similar to your keywords. This could include a wide range of searches—anything from close variations of your keywords to related terms that shoppers might use.

Understanding Broad Match Campaigns

You give Amazon your list of keywords, and then Amazon goes to work. It looks at those keywords and then shows your ads to people who are searching for all sorts of things related to them. This could be words that mean the same thing, words that are related, or even other phrases that include your keywords. It’s a way to make sure you’re catching all the possible searches that could lead someone to your product, even the ones you haven’t thought of yourself. This kind of campaign helps you find new opportunities and potential customers by connecting your ads with a broader audience.

The Strategy Behind Broad Match

A broad match campaign is really about trying out new things. You start with the keywords you think will work, and then Amazon looks for all the different ways someone might search for stuff like yours. It’s like throwing a big net into the sea of Amazon’s massive number of shoppers to see what you can catch. You might find search words you never thought of before, but these could be the words that get people clicking on your product. It’s a smart way to find new customers and get more eyes on what you’re selling.

Setting Up Your Broad Match Campaign

Setting up your broad match campaign is straightforward, and we’ll walk through the specifics soon. But the essence is to give Amazon the freedom to find relevant matches while still maintaining some control.

Using Negative Exact Match

To ensure we’re not overlapping with our exact match campaign, we’ll employ negative exact matches for our green keywords. This tells Amazon, “We’ve got these covered elsewhere, so please exclude them from this broad match campaign.” It’s a way to prevent cannibalizing our own efforts and wasting ad spend on keywords we’re already targeting precisely.

Why Go Broad?

The goal of a broad match campaign is discovery. We want to see if there are any keywords out there that we’re missing out on—ones that could bring in sales we hadn’t anticipated. It’s about staying current with market trends and customer search behavior.

In Conclusion

Broad match campaigns are an essential part of a comprehensive Amazon PPC strategy. They allow you to explore the marketplace, identify new keyword opportunities, and ensure that you’re not leaving any stone unturned.

Launching a Broad Match PPC Test Campaign on Amazon

Let’s dive into the strategy for launching a broad match PPC test campaign on Amazon, which will help us identify potential new keywords and avoid overlapping with our exact match efforts.

The Role of Broad Match Campaigns

Broad match campaigns are your research assistants in the Amazon marketplace. They allow your ads to show for searches that are related to your keyword list but not identical. This includes variations and related phrases that could lead to conversions.

Setting Up Your Broad Match Campaign

Here’s how we’ll approach this:

  1. Budgeting: Allocate a daily budget of $15 to $50. This is less than what we set for exact match campaigns because we’re in exploration mode, not exploitation mode.
  2. Bidding: Set your bids at 5 to 10% above the higher end of Amazon’s suggested range. This ensures competitiveness without being overly aggressive, as we’re still in the testing phase.
  3. Duration: Limit the campaign to a two-week test period. This isn’t a long-term strategy—yet. It’s about testing the waters to see if there are additional keywords worth pursuing.

Negative Exact Match Keywords

To prevent our broad match campaign from competing with our exact match campaign, we’ll use negative exact matches for our green keywords. This means Amazon will avoid using those exact terms for this broad campaign, thus preventing cannibalization of our targeted efforts.

Launching the Campaign

When you’re ready to set up your campaign in the Amazon Advertising Campaign Manager:

  • Choose ‘Sponsored Products.’
  • Continue to the setup page.
  • Name your campaign something clear and indicative of its broad match nature for easy identification later.

In Conclusion

This broad match campaign is a reconnaissance mission. We’re looking to gather intelligence on the keyword landscape, not to dominate it (yet). After two weeks, we’ll analyze the data, learn from it, and refine our approach, likely shifting more focus toward exact match campaigns based on our findings.

Setting Up Your Exact Match PPC Campaign on Amazon

Alright, let’s dive in and get your exact match PPC campaign up and running on Amazon. I’m here to make sure you get a clear picture of what to do, step by step, without any confusion. We’ll take it slow, focusing on how to make sure every dollar you put into your ads really counts

Naming Your Campaign

When setting up a campaign on Amazon, choosing a name for it might seem like a small detail, but it’s actually pretty important. You want a name that’s straightforward and gives you the key details without having to dig deeper. For example, if we’re selling beads and we’re about to start an exact match campaign, we might call it “beads_ExactMatch_52.” This name breaks down into three clear parts: it tells us the product category, which is beads; the campaign type, which is an exact match; and the time we kicked it off, let’s say the 52nd week of the year. This kind of naming is super helpful when you’re scrolling through your list of campaigns later on. It’s like leaving breadcrumbs for yourself so you can easily trace back through your campaigns and remember what each one is about, especially when you’ve got a lot of them running at the same time. It’s a simple trick that saves you time and keeps you from getting mixed up.

Setting the Budget and Bidding

For our daily budget, we’re setting it at $50, which is within our $30 to $100 range for exact match campaigns. We’re opting for manual targeting to maintain precise control over our keyword selection.

When it comes to bidding, I prefer ‘dynamic bids – down only.’ This gives Amazon the leeway to reduce our bids if the ad isn’t likely to convert, rather than increasing bids, which can happen with ‘dynamic bids – up and down.’ I’m all for control and efficiency, and this option aligns with that philosophy.

Creating the Ad Group

The ad group name will mirror the campaign name for consistency: “beads_ExactMatch_115.” Then, select the product you’re advertising.

Choosing Your Targeting Type

Since this is an exact match campaign, you’ll input the keywords you’ve identified as most relevant and likely to convert. These are the terms you’re confident shoppers will use when they’re ready to buy your wood carving kit.

In Conclusion

Setting up an exact match campaign is about precision. You’re targeting specific keywords, setting a clear budget, and choosing a bidding strategy that gives you control. Remember, the goal is to maximize visibility for those high-intent searches and drive sales efficiently

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